PCC Intermodal ab 1. Quartal täglich nach Belgien


As from Q I, 2020 on the European Transport Map PCC Intermodal adds new regular services between Poland and Belgium. ANTWERP and GENK will be connected with all most developed Polish regions.

Daily intermodal services between Poland and Benelux will bring more flexibility for clients and better transit time! For some urgent deliveries A-B/C (door-door) will be possible now not only by long-distance road but also by intermodal solution.

At the moment Poland is linked with Rotterdam (CTT) 8 times weekly. The services are provided
by PCC Intermodal from 2008 and works perfectly with over 98% of punctuality. The next year will bring the same freqency for Belgium corridor and all the containerised cargo will be able to make a smart use of it.
The bookings for New Year departures are already accepted. Week 3, 2020 will bring first trains cut offs! All details are already available for interested clients in PCC Customer Sevice Department.

Intermodal solution between Poland and Antwerp is available nowadays: 3 times weekly by Rotterdam and Duisburg match. Launching Genk, brings brand new connectivity to the continental Belgium. Daily Antwerp (MainHub) from Poland makes the intraeuropean flows one of the most efficient intermodal wise.

PCC Intermodal operates in Poland 4 terminals: Kutno (Central Poland); Brzeg Dolny (Lower Silesia Region), Gliwice (Upper Silesia Region) and Kolbuszowa (Podkarpatia). The company manages also Frankfurt Oder Terminal in Berlin and Brandenburg area serving west Poland on a daily bases. For East deliveries PCC ensures regular rail connection to/from Brest. Thanks to wide network of connections and strong partnership at East, link between Antwerp/Genk BE and Japan/Korea (door-door) will be possible within less than 25 days – multimodal path through Europe and Transiberian routing to Vladivostok.

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