Samskip launches Duisburg-Amsterdam rail service

Multimodal company Samskip and Nunner Logistics are launching direct rail services between Amsterdam and Duisburg, in a new and far-reaching commitment to shippers using rail, road and waterborne transport services out of two of North Europe’s main container ports.

From August 20th, 2020, the new service will connect Samskip’s rail terminal in Duisburg with TMA Terminal Amsterdam, initially with two weekly departures in each direction. Service frequency will increase to three roundtrips per week from September.

Nunner Logistics operates weekly trains from the Chinese cities of Xi’an and Changsha to Duisburg. With both Duisburg and Amsterdam linking seamlessly into Samskip’s European rail, road and short sea network, the six-hour rail transit between the two provides a reliable and flexible transport option, optimized for prompt delivery of 40ft/45ft containers, reefer units, flat racks and tank containers.

The new rail shuttle has been launched in collaboration with TMA Terminal Amsterdam, the Port of Amsterdam and Duisport Group, with DistriRail to provide rail haulage services.

Traktion macht IRP

The first of its kind link to-from Amsterdam adds a new dimension to Samskip’s weekly short sea service connecting to the Norwegian Westcoast, and for shippers using its three-times weekly departures to Hull and Tilbury. High frequency rail shuttles will also extend the penetration of short sea services into Amsterdam beyond Duisburg, to Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Italy and Turkey.

“We are excited to launch this missing link in our network and offer an even stronger intermodal product,” says David Besseling, Samskip Head of UK Trade. “The combination of the Samskip rail and short sea service networks creates a variety of efficient long-distance intermodal services for a sustainable Door-to-Door solution. Together with our partners, we look forward to increasing frequency and geographical reach even further.”

Erik Groot Wassink, Director Special Products at Nunner Logistics, comments: “Nunner Logistics transports a lot of containers from China destined for the UK on the new silk road, with most trains arriving in Duisburg without a suitable intermodal link onwards to the Dutch ports connecting to the UK. This new service bridges the gap, ensuring a sound intermodal connection for cargoes destined for the UK. It is also a wonderful intermodal addition for our services between the Netherlands, the UK and CIS countries.”

„This greatly enriches our current rail shuttle services on this corridor“ adds Sander de Roo, Managing Director, DistriRail. Duisport Group Chief Executive Erich Staake describes the connection as a “central project” in enhancing intermodal networks and supply chain resilience, while TMA Logistics Chief Executive Gerben Matroos sees the service as the means to “further shape Amsterdam’s position as a short sea hub”. Meanwhile, Port of Amsterdam Manager Hinterland Manager Rob Smit drew attention to the port’s support for new rail services as the “efficient, clean and safe” option.

Captrain retourniert letzte Altbau-E-Lok

The use of former NS Class 1600 electric locos by private operators is in decline. After DB Cargo Netherlands withdrew its last remaining
Class 1600s at the beginning of April (TR EU 293 p59), Captrain Netherlands returned its final 1600 to leasing company Rail Rolling Stock at
the end of July. The loco, 1618, is due for a major overhaul, which is considered too expensive. Captrain Netherlands also leased 1619 and
1621 from Rail Rolling Stock but these locos were returned to their owner in 2018 and 2019. The final duty for 1618 was hauling gas tank
trains from Sloehaven to Geleen Lutterade. RL

Ganzwerbung für RRF-189


Today Rotterdam Rail Feeding unveiled its MRCE-leased locomotive BR189 091 in the G&W livery. Beautifully stickered by Blomsma Print & Sign, the locomotive left Locomotive Worskhop Rotterdam (LWR) for its next transport. There were enthusiastic reactions from the various representatives of RRF, MRCE, LWR and Blomsma. Naturally, the loyal ‘track’ photographers were also present.

We trust this is great addition to our already exisiting fleet of G&W coloured Class 66’s, G2000’s and E1600’s. Of course we remain pride on our traditionally RRF-dressed BR203 locomotives.


GATX: Büro Niederlande

GATX Rail Europe kündigt die Eröffnung eines neuen, strategisch günstig gelegenen Büros in Zuidas an, dem Ballungsgebiet, das ungefähr in der Mitte zwischen dem Amsterdamer Stadtzentrum und dem Flughafen Schiphol liegt. Als logistische Drehscheibe für die BENELUX-Länder ist das neue Büro ein wichtiger Meilenstein, um unseren Kunden in dieser Region einen ausgezeichneten Kundendienst und technische Unterstützung zu bieten.

ITS ausgegründet

After several years of building up Easy Intermodal, with now an established solid customer base, I have decided in close consultation with the owner, to take over these activities and continue same in my brand new company:
“Intermodal Transport Solutions (ITS) B.V. “ with office based in Rotterdam.
Existing team, specialized in intermodal transportation throughout the European continent, will transfer as well and join me to ensure we deliver required qualified services as you expect from us.
Intermodal Transportation Solutions (ITS) B.V. will start July 1st 2020.
In case of any interest in our services or require additional information than please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We would like to use this opportunity to express our appreciation to our existing customer base and received support during recent years as well the positive reactions received so far on the company change.
Intermodal Transport Solutions invite you to test us. !!
Best Regards,
Team Intermodal Transport Solutions (ITS) B.V.
Ingrid van Oest
Tel: +31 10 2944420
Kelly Talman
Tel: +31 10 2944421
Marijke Rosmolen
Tel: + 31 10 2944422

RRS V 60 D an RXP

Vier erst per 01.01.2018 von der insolventen EETC – Euro Express Treincharter B.V., Delft an die RRS – Rail Rolling Stock B.V., Delft veräußerten LEW V 60 D haben einen neuen Eigentümer: Die RXP Tractie B.V. aus Soesterberg.

Brückenmessungen mit E-Loks

Voor het uitvoeren van metingen aan de Suurhoffbrug tussen Europoort en de Maasvlakte is een uiterst curieus gezelschap locomotieven bijeen gebracht vanuit Amersfoort, Rotterdam Noord en de Kijfhoek. Op het gemengde net al een bont geheel, op de havenlijn is de verschijning van de meeste tractievoertuigen al helemaal opzienbarend.Hoewel, de BR 186, 193 en G1206 rijden af en aan op de havenlijn. Als vertegenwoordiger van de voormalige serie 1600 komt de Bentheimer BE01 driemaal per week met de Coevorden shuttle op de Maasvlakte en als representant van de voormalige Belgische dieselgrootheden uit de reeks 62 bromt de 6703 elke dag een paar keer over de stamlijn op de voorgrond met treinen naar en van P&O. Goed beschouwd vallen eigenlijk alleen de ex-NS oldtimers uit de series 1200, 1300 en 2400 hier echt op en zijn 9 van de 12 locs hier een vrijwel alledaags gezicht.Na gedane zaken en de constatering dat de Suurhoffbrug na passage van de meettrein nog gewoon op zijn plek ligt, keert de polonaise weer terug naar de Kijfhoek om Lineas 186 448, RFO 193 623, RFO 1837, Fairtrains 1304, RRS 1621 en Lineas 1553 af te zetten. Railexperts 9901 brengt vanaf daar RXP 6705, RRS 1832, RRS 1619, Stichting 2454 Crew 2454 en RXP 1251 weer netjes thuis, naar Amersfoort. 13 juni 2020


Grundstoff für Desinfektionsmittel nach Polen

Das Captrain-Unternehmen  ITL Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH transportiert vom 4. auf den 5. Mai 2020 1.000 t Ethanol vom Hafen Rotterdam nach Pleszew in Polen. Der Alkohol wird für die Herstellung von dringend benötigtem Desinfektionsmittel im Zuge der Corona-Bekämpfung verwendet. Auftraggeber für den Transport ist das Speditionsunternehmen TankMatch Rail Hamburg GmbH, bis Bad Bentheim ist Rail Force One (RFO) Traktionär.

RFO 1837 + Millet keteltrein, Assel 4-5-2020.

Auch in Polen herrscht Knappheit an Desinfektionsmittel. Um Gebäude und Verkehrsmittel zu desinfizieren wurde zuletzt auf beschlagnahmten Wodka und illegal hergestellten Alkohol zurückgegriffen. Über die Schiene ist ein schneller Transport von großen Menge Ethanol möglich. Damit kann der Mangel kurzfristig beseitigt werden.